Orange and yellow tulips, flowering crab, and pears flowers – Just another fantastic show of color this spring in my backyard. I don’t have too much to say about these pictures other than I think they are amazing! The details blow my mind every time!
4 replies on “More Spring Flowers in Alberta”
Flowers are just one of God’s creation both in color and variety that takes our breath away.
I just found your blog…nice. Love the spring blooms, the smell of flowering fruit trees is amazing. I still have big white tulips blooming this late in june!
I really enjoy reading about your gardening experiences and looking at the photog’s. I like following others’ gardening/growing experiences. Very interested in your hoop greenhouse and the honey berries.
Fellow Albertan here (Okotoks), so i can relate to the short season, cool summers and lots of deer. I have a fairly conventional food garden, fenced to keep the deer out, so i usually get a nice range of veg, herbs, fruit.
This year i’m try a couple of new things – a small garlic bed i planted last october. A hardneck variety, that is doing very well, they are just starting to produce scapes. Looking forward to harvesting a few dozen garlic bulbs.
As an experiment, I also planted a small 1m x 1m metre mini plot inspired by One Magic Square by Lolo Holbein. Similar to square foot gardening, but more informal, theme-base plantings (salad plots, soup plot, curry plot, antioxidant plot, stir fry pot, etc). I filled my little plot with anti-cancer vegs (6 packman broccoli, 4 black italian kale, 9 scotch kale, 2 pixie cabbage, 2 early cascade tomatoes, 40 onions, 35 carrots, 2 thyme, 2 oregano, and 12 giant red mustard). Its dense, but so far its doing great. I’m going to keep track of my harvest from it, and see what it produces. Last week i already picked 3 broccoli (hoping for side shoots later in the summer), scallions and thyme for a broccoli cheddar pie. Hopefully it will be productive until winter.
Let’s hope we get a bit of sun and warmth soon, another rainy weekend.
I love the close-up shots and the detail…amazing world we live in!
I enjoy reading your blog, lots of useful info and great pics.
Happy gardening.
Greetings from Oz.