I had a comment today on my post regarding square-foot gardens asking about some pictures of how my block planting had turned out this year. I had taken the square foot garden method and applied it to the traditional long-row garden style. I planted carrots, onions, lettuce, beats, dill, and a few marigolds to try to keep the bugs off the dill (which didn’t work – they flowered too late I think). But the block planting idea worked great. I think I’ll do the same thing next year. The lettuce should have been thinned out big time, but other than that, I’d do it all over again the same way. Here’s what it looked like:
This was in early summer. I should have been thinning my lettuce right about now.
This was about mid-August. You can see where the deer pulled out all of my beets just behind the onions.
So do I recommend this method? Yes. For any plant that doesn’t take up a lot of horizontal space, this method works great.
3 replies on “Block Planting Carrots, Onions, Lettuce, & Dill”
Wow, what a great idea, your garden looks so nice and neat! I only wish my garden looked half that good. I will have to give it a go and see if it works well in my garden! Thanks for the idea.
By the by I found your blog because it was featured on blotanical.
hi .. i’m wondering .. when you transposed the idea of the square foot garden into long beds, did you make the same soil mix .. or did you use the soil already in the bed ?
For the carrots I mixed in just a little vermiculite, but for everything else it was just the existing soil.